percepatan gravitasi pada permukaan bumi adalah g


Jika massa jenis planet 2 kali massa jenis bumi maka:

begin mathsize 14px style rho subscript 1 equals 2 space rho subscript 2 m subscript 1 over V subscript 1 equals 2 m subscript 2 over V subscript 2 fraction numerator m subscript 1 over denominator begin display style 4 over 3 end style pi r subscript 1 cubed end fraction equals 2 fraction numerator m subscript 2 over denominator 4 over 3 pi r subscript 2 cubed end fraction end style

Jika massa 1 dan 2 sama, maka

begin mathsize 14px style r subscript 2 cubed equals 2 space r subscript 1 cubed R cubed equals 2 space r subscript 1 cubed r subscript 1 cubed equals 1 half space R cubed r subscript 1 equals cube root of 1 half end root space R end style

Kemudian mencari gravitasi planet

begin mathsize 14px style g subscript 1 equals fraction numerator G M over denominator r subscript 1 squared end fraction g subscript 1 equals fraction numerator G M over denominator open parentheses cube root of begin display style 1 half end style end root space R close parentheses squared end fraction g subscript 1 equals fraction numerator 2 to the power of negative begin display style 2 over 3 end style end exponent G M over denominator R squared end fraction g subscript 1 equals 2 to the power of negative 2 over 3 end exponent g end style

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah A.

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