hitunglah konsentrasi masing masing spesi

Asam lemah polivalen memiliki atom H lebih dari satu dalam molekulnya. Ionisasi asam lemah polivalen berlangsung bertingkat-tingkat. Setiap tingkatan ionisasi memiliki harga begin mathsize 14px style K subscript a end styleyang berbeda-beda. Ionisasi tingkat pertama lebih mudah daripada ionisasi tingkat kedua dan seterusnya. Oleh sebab itu, harga undefinedtingkat pertama lebih besar daripada tingkat kedua dan seterusnya.

begin mathsize 14px style H subscript 2 C O subscript 3 end style merupakan asam lemah yang mengalami dua kali ionisasi sebagai berikut.

Tahap space 1 colon space H subscript 2 C O subscript 3 left parenthesis italic a italic q right parenthesis equilibrium H to the power of plus sign left parenthesis italic a italic q right parenthesis plus H C O subscript 3 superscript space minus sign end superscript left parenthesis italic a italic q right parenthesis Tahap space 2 colon space H C O subscript 3 superscript space minus sign end superscript left parenthesis italic a italic q right parenthesis equilibrium H to the power of plus sign left parenthesis italic a italic q right parenthesis plus C O subscript 3 superscript space space 2 minus sign end superscript left parenthesis italic a italic q right parenthesis

Konsentrasi ion begin mathsize 14px style H to the power of plus sign end style dari tiap-tiap tahap dapat ditentukan menggunakan nilai undefined-nya.

begin mathsize 14px style Tahap space 1 colon open square brackets H to the power of plus sign close square brackets space equals space square root of K subscript a subscript 1 end subscript cross times left square bracket H 2 C O subscript 3 right square bracket end root open square brackets H to the power of plus sign close square brackets space equals space square root of 4 comma 2 cross times 10 to the power of negative sign 7 end exponent cross times 10 to the power of negative sign 1 end exponent end root open square brackets H to the power of plus sign close square brackets space equals space 2 comma 05 cross times 10 to the power of negative sign 4 end exponent end style

Konsentrasi ion H C O subscript 3 superscript space minus sign end superscript akan sama dengan konsentrasi ion undefineddari tahap 1. Dari informasi tersebut, dapat ditentukan konsentrasi ion undefined dari tahap 2.

Tahap space 2 colon open square brackets H to the power of plus sign close square brackets space equals space square root of K subscript a subscript 2 cross times left square bracket H C O subscript 3 superscript space minus sign end superscript right square bracket end root open square brackets H to the power of plus sign close square brackets space equals space square root of 4 comma 8 cross times 10 to the power of negative sign 11 end exponent cross times 2 comma 05 cross times 10 to the power of negative sign 4 end exponent end root open square brackets H to the power of plus sign close square brackets space equals space 9 comma 92 cross times 10 to the power of negative sign 8 end exponent

Konsentrasi ion C O subscript 3 superscript space space 2 minus sign end superscript akan sama dengan konsentrasi ion undefined pada tahap 2.

Sehingga, konsentrasi tiap-tiap spesi adalah sebagai berikut.

table attributes columnalign right center left columnspacing 0px end attributes row cell open square brackets H subscript 2 C O subscript 3 close square brackets space end cell equals cell space 10 to the power of negative sign 1 end exponent space M end cell row cell open square brackets H to the power of plus sign close square brackets space end cell equals cell space open square brackets H to the power of plus sign close square brackets subscript tahap space 1 end subscript plus open square brackets H to the power of plus sign close square brackets subscript tahap space 2 end subscript end cell row blank almost equal to cell space 2 comma 050992 cross times 10 to the power of negative sign 4 end exponent space M end cell row cell left square bracket H C O subscript 3 superscript space minus sign end superscript right square bracket space end cell equals cell space 2 comma 05 cross times 10 to the power of negative sign 4 end exponent space M end cell row cell left square bracket C O subscript 3 superscript space space 2 minus sign end superscript right square bracket space end cell equals cell space 9 comma 92 cross times 10 to the power of negative sign 8 end exponent space M end cell end table

Jadi, konsentrasi masing-masing spesi dalam larutan asam lemah adalah: open square brackets H subscript 2 C O subscript 3 close square brackets sebesar 10 to the power of negative sign 1 end exponent M, open square brackets H to the power of plus sign close square brackets sebesar 2 , 050992 cross times 10 to the power of negative sign 4 end exponent M, Error converting from MathML to accessible text. sebesar 2 , 05 cross times 10 to the power of negative sign 4 end exponent M, dan left square bracket C O subscript 3 superscript    2 minus sign end superscript right square bracket sebesar 9 , 92 cross times 10 to the power of negative sign 8 end exponent M.

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