diketahui a 1 2 3

begin mathsize 14px style table attributes columnalign right center left columnspacing 0px end attributes row cell stack A B with rightwards arrow on top end cell equals cell open square brackets table row 3 row 3 row 1 end table close square brackets minus open square brackets table row 1 row 2 row 3 end table close square brackets end cell row cell stack A B with rightwards arrow on top end cell equals cell open square brackets table row 2 row 1 row cell negative 2 end cell end table close square brackets end cell row cell stack B C with rightwards arrow on top end cell equals cell open square brackets table row 7 row 5 row cell negative 3 end cell end table close square brackets minus open square brackets table row 3 row 3 row 1 end table close square brackets end cell row cell stack B C with rightwards arrow on top end cell equals cell open square brackets table row 4 row 2 row cell negative 4 end cell end table close square brackets end cell end table end style

Karena segaris, maka;

begin mathsize 14px style table attributes columnalign right center left columnspacing 0px end attributes row cell stack B C with rightwards arrow on top end cell equals cell k stack A B with rightwards arrow on top end cell row cell open square brackets table row 4 row 2 row cell negative 4 end cell end table close square brackets end cell equals cell k open square brackets table row 2 row 1 row cell negative 2 end cell end table close square brackets end cell row blank rightwards double arrow cell 4 equals 2 k end cell row k equals 2 end table end style


begin mathsize 14px style stack A B space with rightwards arrow on top colon space stack B C with rightwards arrow on top equals 1 space colon space 2 end style

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah A.

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